PostgreSQL – Flatten nested JSONB object array


Im my database with Postgres 11, i have this JSON in my rows stored in a JSONB field, and i need to flatten out the list of objects that are over "ports" key, so, instead of having a json output i need to have them in a "flattended table" way like below

port_name, port_description, port_status_int, port_status, port_speed_int, ports_speed
"GigabitEthernet0/0", "", 2, "Not Connect", 1000000000, "1G"
"Bluetooth0/4", "", 2, "Not Connect", 1000000000, "1G"

Note that the lenght of the "ports" object is not static and may vary.

As far i know, this it my solution…i have some doubts: is this solution ok? it can be a bottleneck? it can be optimized?

SELECT  mytable.measurement_id,
(jsonb_array_elements(>'ports')::jsonb)->'port_name' as "port_name",
(jsonb_array_elements(>'ports')::jsonb)->'port_description' as "port_description",
(jsonb_array_elements(>'ports')::jsonb)->'port_status_int' as "port_status_int",
(jsonb_array_elements(>'ports')::jsonb)->'port_status' as "port_status",
(jsonb_array_elements(>'ports')::jsonb)->'port_speed_int' as "port_speed_int",
(jsonb_array_elements(>'ports')::jsonb)->'ports_speed' as "ports_speed"
from mytable where device_id = 20;

Any toughts?

Best Answer

Set returning functions should be called in the FROM.

SELECT mt.measurement_id,
       p.port ->> 'port_name' as "port_name",
       p.port ->> 'port_description' as "port_description",
       p.port ->> 'port_status_int' as "port_status_int",
       p.port ->> 'port_status' as "port_status",
       p.port ->> 'port_speed_int' as "port_speed_int",
       p.port ->> 'ports_speed' as "ports_speed"
from mytable mt 
  cross join jsonb_array_elements(>'ports') as p(port)
where device_id = 20;

You can simplify this a bit, by using jsonb_to_recordset:

SELECT  mt.measurement_id,
from mytable mt 
  cross join jsonb_to_recordset(>'ports') as p(port_name text, port_description text, port_status_int int, port_status text, port_speed_int int, ports_speed text) 
where device_id = 20;