PostgreSQL – How to Filter and Append Data to Row


My query and my data set (copied from sqlfiddle):

    id int4 primary key, 
    p_id int4, 
    k_id int4
   id int4 primary key, 
   p_id int4, 
   k_id int4,
   t_id int4,
   pos int4

INSERT INTO one(id, p_id, k_id) VALUES 
    (1, 1, 1), 
    (2, 1, 2), 
    (3, 1, 3), 
    (4, 1, 4);
INSERT INTO two(id, p_id, k_id, t_id, pos) VALUES 
    (1, 1, 1, 1, 1), -- t_id = 1 and pos = 1
    (2, 1, 2, 1, 2),
    (3, 1, 3, 1, 1), -- t_id = 1 and pos = 1
    (4, 1, 4, 1, 3),
    (5, 1, 1, 2, 3), -- shares p_id and k_id with row 1
    (6, 1, 2, 2, 1),
    (7, 1, 3, 2, 5), -- shares p_id and k_id with row 3
    (8, 1, 4, 2, 6);

Table one is a join table, I've added it because in the future I might add more columns into it, and then it will be easier to modify this report.

What I want is to be able to filter my dataset like so:

  1. Get all the rows where pos = 1 for t_id = 1

Expected output:

p_id, k_id, stats
1,     1,    [{p_id: 1, k_id: 1, t_id: 1, pos: 1}, {p_id: 1, k_id: 1, t_id: 2, pos: 3}
1,     3,    [{p_id: 1, k_id: 3, t_id: 1, pos: 1}, {p_id: 1, k_id: 3, t_id: 2, pos: 5}

As you can see I want to append to my results the data for others t_ids where p_id and k_id are the with the found results.


What will be the best way of removing duplicates?

Adding (9, 1, 1, 1, 20) to my dataset will result in having the same type twice in a row;

One solution to get only uniq types and the smallest pos values is:

WITH uniqt AS (
  SELECT   p_id, k_id, t_id, min(pos) as pos
  FROM     two
  GROUP BY 1, 2, 3


Because I am selecting from table one 50 rows (limit 50) and then join a table with SELECT like in @Erwin Brandstetter example, having this CTE will slow down my query?

Best Answer

You could use an inner join to filter for rows that share a (p_id, k_id) value with rows that have a (t_id, pos) of (1,1) (sqlfiddle):

select  base.p_id
,       base.k_id
,       json_agg(base order by base.p_id, base.k_id, base.t_id, base.pos) as stats
from    (
        select  p_id
        ,       k_id
        ,       t_id
        ,       pos
        from    two
        ) base
join    two as filter
on      filter.t_id = 1
        and filter.pos = 1
        and filter.p_id = base.p_id
        and filter.k_id = base.k_id
group by
,       base.k_id;

Or an equivalent way using an exists subquery (sqlfiddle):

select  base.p_id
,       base.k_id
,       json_agg(base order by base.p_id, base.k_id, base.t_id, base.pos) as stats
from    (
        select  p_id
        ,       k_id
        ,       t_id
        ,       pos
        from    two
        ) base
where   exists
        select  *
        from    two as filter
        where   filter.t_id = 1
                and filter.pos = 1
                and filter.p_id = base.p_id
                and filter.k_id = base.k_id
group by
,       base.k_id;

Updated to use json_agg from @ErwinBrandstetter's answer.