Postgresql – Fill factor based on index ranges


I'm designing a Postgres database for an events app. The app lists events sorted by when they start. Initially the app displays only 30 events. As users scroll through the list of events, more events are fetched from the database. In reduced form, the queries (depending on the direction in which the user is scrolling) are:

FROM events 
WHERE starts_at >= ? 
ORDER BY starts_at 

FROM events 
WHERE starts_at < ? 
ORDER BY starts_at DESC 

I plan on clustering the table on starts_at with a fill factor of about 70%, and expect I'll want to run the cluster command periodically to maintain performance.

Almost all of the events that users add will have a starts_at value in the future. Therefore, although specifying a 70% fill factor for events which start in the future makes sense, using a 70% fill factor for events that started in the past seems like a waste of disk space.

Is there a way to have Postgres cluster the events table such that the fill factor for events where starts_at < CURRENT_TIMESTAMP is 99% while the fill factor for events where starts_at >= CURRENT_TIMESTAMP is 70%?

Best Answer

Unless you plan on regularly updating portions of your table, I'm curious why you would set your FILLFACTOR on the table to anything other than the default of 100%?

Regarding your question about different fillfactor settings for the same table, I don't think that is possible. If you were planning to set the fillfactor per index, then that might have some benefit -- but if you are only inserting then set the fillfactor to 100% (or close to it).