Postgresql – export data from postgresql


I have some text like xml -code in a field of table. I want to export the data from my field into file without any changes.

I've tried to use a lot of variants but all of them changes the text. The most successful variants were:

COPY (SELECT alll FROM super.a_a ) TO 'D:\alll.txt' CSV ;

But there appeared extra quotes "".

COPY (SELECT alll FROM super.a_a ) TO 'D:\alll.txt CSV QUOTE ' ' ;

But there appeared extra spaces.

In my field I have such date like : name="firsname" and when I use any of varients I get something like that : name=""firstname"" or name=\n\r"firstname\n\r""

Best Answer

Maybe, you can just execute the query in psql and redirect its output to a file after removing all headers. Did you try something like:

$ psql
user=> \o outputfile.txt
user=> \t on
user=> SELECT alll FROM super.a_a;
user=> \q