Postgresql – Does the fact a table is big can impact the overall performance of a PostgreSQL server


If I have a table that is getting bigger and bigger (i.e. it is taking more and more storage space – currently 65GB), can this affect the overall performance of the PostgreSQL server, e.g. impact the speed of queries on other tables?

This is for a PostgreSQL 9.6 database (we plan to upgrade to 10 -> 11 -> 12 later this year), hosted on Google Cloud (Cloud SQL for PostgreSQL).

Best Answer

No, this shouldn't affect the speed of queries for other tables.

One way it could indirectly affect the speed is, if you regularly run queries against that big table and retrieve many rows from there (either directly or indirectly e.g. because of a Seq Scan). This could then cause data from other (smaller) tables to be evicted from the cache.

Then a query using one of the other tables needs to retrieve the data again from the hard disk which of course is slower than from cache.

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