PostgreSQL Performance – Does No-Change Update Create New Tuple?


I need to fix some data issues in a Postgresql database, the primary of which is trimming whitespace from text columns. I'm doing this using a statement like:

UPDATE app.products
SET "description" = TRIM(BOTH FROM "description")

Issuing this on a test database returns UPDATE 2000. The test table contains 2000 rows of which only 1 actually would change with whitespace trimming. Is this resulting in Postgres creating new, unnecessary tuples? Would there be a benefit to adding a WHERE clause? Most of the target columns aren't indexed.

UPDATE app.products
SET "description" = TRIM(BOTH FROM "description")
WHERE "description" LIKE ' %' OR "description" LIKE '% '

Best Answer

Yes, this will modify all rows, even if the value doesn't change.

If you want to avoid that, either use a WHERE condition:

UPDATE app.products
SET "description" = TRIM(BOTH FROM "description")
WHERE "description" IS DISTINCT FROM TRIM(BOTH FROM "description");

or use the suppress_redundant_updates_trigger() trigger function to define a BEFORE UPDATE trigger on the table.

Avoiding the unnecessary updates will improve the performance and reduce table bloat.