PostgreSQL Remote Connections – Do I Need to Set tcpip_socket = true on Ubuntu?


I am trying to enable remote connections to my postgresql 9.1 db running on ubuntu 12.04.

This tutorial says to "set tcpip_socket to true" — but it is for a centos server. I am on ubuntu.

I don't see this line included in my postgresql.conf.

$cat /etc/postgresql/9.1/main/postgresql.conf | grep tcpip_socket

And when I add it in, I get the error:

 "FATAL:  unrecognized configuration parameter "tcpip_socket"

Do I need to tell postgres 9.1 to "turn on" tcp_ip connections if its running on ubuntu 12.04?

Best Answer

All you should need is:

listen_addresses = '*'

and then to modify pg_hba.conf to permit connections from the desired source.

This is stated in the comments on the (very old) article you were reading.

Try using the main PostgreSQL documentation, or up to date tutorials, in future.
