Postgresql – Difficult categorising of rows


First off, I'm not a DBA at all, I'm more of a front-end guy, but I'm currently hitting a brick wall and can't figure out how to tackle it. A database I am working on has a table with several columns. The table represents completed tasks, the columns are:

TaskID             -  -  -  1. On-site
DateStart         |         2. Return-to-base
DateEnd           |         3. Chargeable
Type -  -  -  -  -          4. Complaint
Reference                   5. Rebook

Reference is used when the customer provides their own ID for the task, typically this is for example "THR#000123123" or "IX#01212". It is always in the format "ABC#123".

Now, I need to categorise these into multiple arbitrary categories and subcategories based on only the type and reference fields:

  1. Chargeable (type = 3)

    1. By company IX (reference like "IX#%")

    2. All other Chargeable

  2. Non-chargeable (type <> 3)

    1. By company THR (reference like "THR#%")

      1. Return-to-base (type = 2)

      2. On-site (type = 1)

    2. Return to base (type = 2)

    3. All other non-Chargeable

A task can only belong to one category, so if a task for company THR was "return-to-base", it must only be under category 2.1.1, not 2.2. I realise these categories seem very arbitrary but this structure represents the most useful break-down of almost any selection of tasks from the table.

My question is, is it possible to create a view that contains the TaskID and its category? Or should I just implement this logic in the front-end after selecting every TaskID, Type and Reference?

Best Answer

Ok, so my answer here is conditioned on the following assumptions:

  1. This categorization needs to be relatively stable and
  2. It may be re-used in various ways, and
  3. It needs to perform well.

The obvious, simple answer is to use table methods in PostgreSQL. What you do is create a SQL language function which does not hit the table and returns the value you want. Make it immutable so you can index the output if you want to query against it, etc. Note the specific rules aren't really clear from your post but this should get you started.

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION subcategory(task) -- task is table name
    SELECT CASE WHEN $1.type = 3 THEN
                CASE WHEN $I.reference LIKE 'IX#%' 
                     THEN 'Company IX Chargeable'
                     ELSE 'Other Chargeable'
                WHEN $1.reference LIKE 'IX#%' THEN 
                CASE WHEN $1.type = 5 THEN 'Company IX Rebool'
                     ELSE 'Company IX Other'
                WHEN $1.reference LIKE 'THR#%' AND $1.type IN (1, 2) THEN
                CASE WHEN $1.type = 2 THEN 'THR Return to Base'
                     WHEN $1.type = 1 THEN 'THR On Site'
                WHEN $1.type = 2 THEN 'Return to Base'
                ELSE 'Other Nonchargeable'

You can then query this using:

SELECT t.subcategory FROM task t;

Note that the table name is non-optional here. The parser converts this to:

SELECT subcategory(t) FROM task t;

You can use this however in any part of the select statement including the where clause. If it proves slow, you can add cost estimates (but I think this should be fast), and you can even index the output using PostgreSQL's functional indexes.

On the performance side, LIKE and substring() don't seem to be significantly different:

postgres=# select count(*) from generate_series(1, 10000000);
(1 row)

Time: 9007.618 ms
postgres=# select count(*) from generate_series(1, 10000000) s WHERE s::text like '1%';
(1 row)

Time: 13653.000 ms
postgres=# select count(*) from generate_series(1, 10000000) s WHERE substring(s::text from 1 for 1) = '1';
(1 row)

Time: 16681.860 ms
postgres=# select count(*) from generate_series(1, 10000000) s WHERE s::text like '1%';
(1 row)

Time: 17163.470 ms
postgres=# select count(*) from generate_series(1, 10000000) s WHERE substring(s::text from 1 for 1) = '1';
(1 row)

Time: 17052.004 ms

So sometimes one is faster than the other, but they don't seem out of line with eachother.