PostgreSQL – Different Syntax to Add/Subtract Interval


Till now I used the following syntax to add an interval to a timestamp:

select now() + '5 year';

This worked fine till I tried to subtract the interval which results in a syntax error.

invalid input syntax for type timestamp with time zone: "5 year"
LINE 1: select now() - '5 year'

In the documentation I learned that the syntax actually is:

select now() - interval '5 year'

So my questions are:
Why does select now() + '5 year' work at all?
Does it work only by accident and it might break in a future Postgresql release?

Best Answer

Like @a_horse explained, there are two operators available for the expression now() - '5 year':

SELECT oprleft::regtype, oprname, oprright::regtype
FROM   pg_operator
WHERE  oprname = '-'
AND    oprleft = 'timestamptz'::regtype;

         oprleft          | oprname |         oprright         
 timestamp with time zone | -       | timestamp with time zone
 timestamp with time zone | -       | interval
(2 rows)

The exact reason for the choice can be found in the manual in the chapter Operator Type Resolution:


 2. Check for an operator accepting exactly the input argument types. If one exists (there can be only one exact match in the set of operators considered), use it. [...]

    a. If one argument of a binary operator invocation is of the unknown type, then assume it is the same type as the other argument for this check. [...]


Bold emphasis mine. Read the whole chapter to understand the process fully.

The same type is preferred if one argument type is unknown and a matching operator is available. There is an operator for timestamptz - timestamptz, bingo. The operator is resolved here. Fortunately, '5 years' is illegal input for timestamptz, else this might result in confusion!

The operator resolves to timestamptz - interval after adding an explicit type cast:

now() - interval '5 year'  -- always the way to go