Postgresql – Detect when a CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY is finished in PostgreSQL


If I create an index CONCURRENTLY in PostgreSQL, how can I see when it is finished?

I am attempting to rebuild indexes to solve index bloat, and I need to keep the old index around for a while until the new one has finished, so I need to know when it's finished.

This is PostgreSQL 9.2/3ish

Best Answer

You can get list of invalid indexes.

SELECT * FROM pg_class, pg_index WHERE pg_index.indisvalid = false AND pg_index.indexrelid = pg_class.oid;

If you see your index in this query it means the index won't work and you have to recreate index.

Don't do REINDEX. It won’t re-create the index concurrently, it will lock the table for writes while the index is being created, the best solution is to drop the invalid index and recreate it with CONCURRENTLY flag