PostgreSQL 9.3 – Dealing with Disk Space Full


I have a Django web application with postgresql 9.3.10 backend (sitting in a Linux OS). I ran into disk full error, such that even if I try to truncate a table, I get errors of the sort:

ERROR:  could not extend file "base/30137/33186048": No space left on device
HINT:  Check free disk space.

I can't easily add more disk space to the server, nor can I delete stuff on this VM. However there are several tables that are candidates for truncation, but seems I can't truncate them now either.

Can anyone give me advice on what I can do here? This is hitting my production server hard, and I'm a bit of an accidental DBA here, so totally stumped.

Best Answer

Because PostgreSQL must write WAL before making any changes to tables, it needs free disk space in order to delete things and release more disk space.

If you let the disk fill up, you can't recover from within PostgreSQL. Even TRUNCATE still has to write to WAL.

So you must free some space on the volume, or expand the volume. If your PostgreSQL log files are in pg_log in the data directory, you can safely remove some of those and restart Pg.

Do not delete pg_xlog or pg_clog. These are not server error logs, they're critical parts of the database, the transaction log and commit log.