PostgreSQL – How to Create Database on New Partition


I use postgresql 9.1, on ubuntu 12.04. I had installed the depot package.

I have added a new partition to my system, and I would like to create a postgresql database on this partition ( which will be entirely dedicated to this database).

My pgdata is located in var/lib/postgresql/9.1/main. I plan to stop the postgresql service, copy the pgdata content to the new partition, then make a symbolic link to the new partition, chown the new directory to postgres user, restart postgresql… but I'm afraid this all looks more like a hack.

Is there a way to create a database specifically on a specified partition ? Something more "canonical" (not a play of word with ubuntu)

Best Answer

CREATE TABLESPACE could be used.

create tablespace dedicated_datastore owner postgres location '/my/mount/point/'

and now the tablespace can be used as parameter when creating a database, (or a table, or an index)

create database my_database tablespace dedicated_datastore