Postgresql – Count violated unique constraint caused by INSERT statement


I would like to add rows from table2 into table1 and see how many conflicts of the type "duplicate key value violates unique constraint" result from this in PostgreSQL. pkey is a primary key, so there a unique constraint on it. Unfortunately and apparently, conflict_action does not permit incrementing a counter.

INSERT INTO table1 (pkey, col1, col2)
  SELECT pkey, col1, col2 FROM table2

So is there another (elegant) way for tackling this either by calculating or retrieving that count?

Best Answer

Insert not needed for to count:

cte1 AS ( SELECT COUNT(*) cnt FROM table1 ),
cte2 AS ( SELECT COUNT(*) cnt FROM table2 ),
cte3 AS ( SELECT COUNT(*) cnt FROM table1 JOIN table2 USING (pkey) )
SELECT cte1.cnt "Records in table1",
       cte2.cnt "Records in table2",
       cte3.cnt "Conflicts count",
       cte2.cnt - cte3.cnt "Potential inserts count"
FROM cte1, cte2, cte3;

And insert only non-conflicted records - it will be less expensive.