Postgresql – Constraint – one boolean row is true, all other rows false


I have a column: standard BOOLEAN NOT NULL

I would like to enforce one row True, and all others False. The are no FK's or anything else depending on this constraint. I know I can accomplish it with plpgsql, but this seems like a sledgehammer. I would prefer something like a CHECK or UNIQUE constraint. The simpler the better.

One row must be True, they cannot all be False (so the first row inserted would have to be True).

The row will need to be updated, which means I have to wait to check constraints until updates are done, since all rows may be set False first and one row True afterwards.

There is a FK between products.tax_rate_id and, but it has nothing to do with the default or standard tax rate, which is user selectable to ease creating new products..

PostgreSQL 9.5 if it matters.


The table is the tax rate. One of the tax rates is the default (standard since default is a Postgres command). When a new product is added, the standard tax rate is applied to the product. If there is no standard, the database must either do a guess or all kinds of unneeded checks. The simple solution, I thought, was to make sure there is a standard.

By "default" above, I mean for the presentation layer (UI). There is a user option for changing the default tax rate. I either need to add extra checks to ensure the GUI/user does not try to set the tax_rate_id to NULL, or then just set a default tax rate.

Best Answer

Variant 1

Since all you need is a single column with standard = true, set standard to NULL in all other rows. Then a plain UNIQUE constraint works, since NULL values do not violate it:

CREATE TABLE taxrate (
   taxrate int PRIMARY KEY
 , standard bool DEFAULT true
 , CONSTRAINT standard_true_or_null CHECK (standard) -- yes, that's the whole constraint
 , CONSTRAINT standard_only_1_true UNIQUE (standard)

DEFAULT is an optional reminder that the first row entered should become the default. It's not enforcing anything. While you cannot set more than one row to standard = true, you can still set all rows NULL. There is no clean way to prevent this with only constraints in a single table. CHECK constraints do not consider other rows (without dirty tricks).


To update:

UPDATE taxrate SET standard = NULL WHERE standard;
UPDATE taxrate SET standard = TRUE WHERE taxrate = 2;

To allow a command like (where the constraint is only satisfied at the end of the statement):

WITH kingdead AS (
   UPDATE taxrate
   SET standard = NULL
   WHERE standard
UPDATE taxrate
SET standard = TRUE
WHERE taxrate = 1;

.. the UNIQUE constraint would have to be DEFERRABLE. See:

dbfiddle here

Variant 2

Have a second table with a single row like:

Create this as superuser:

CREATE TABLE taxrate (
   taxrate int PRIMARY KEY

CREATE TABLE taxrate_standard (
   taxrate int PRIMARY KEY REFERENCES taxrate

CREATE UNIQUE INDEX taxrate_standard_singleton ON taxrate_standard ((true));  -- singleton

REVOKE DELETE ON TABLE taxrate_standard FROM public;  -- can't delete

INSERT INTO taxrate (taxrate) VALUES (42);
INSERT INTO taxrate_standard (taxrate) VALUES (42);

Now there is always a single row pointing to the standard (in this simple case also representing the standard rate directly). Only a superuser could break it. You might disallow that, too, with a trigger BEFORE DELETE.

dbfiddle here


You might add a VIEW to see the same as in variant 1:

CREATE VIEW taxrate_combined AS
SELECT t.*, (ts.taxrate = t.taxrate) AS standard
FROM   taxrate t
LEFT   JOIN taxrate_standard ts USING (taxrate);

In queries where all you want is the standard rate, use (only) taxrate_standard.taxrate directly.

You later added:

There is a FK between products.tax_rate_id and

A poor man's implementation of variant 2 would be to just add a row to products (or any similar table) pointing to the standard tax rate; a dummy product you might call "Standard tax rate" - if your setup allows it.

The FK constraints enforces referential integrity. To complete it, enforce tax_rate_id IS NOT NULL for the row (if that's not the case for the column in general). And disallow its deletion. Both could be put into triggers. No extra table, but less elegant and not as reliable.