PostgreSQL Maximum Connections – Understanding Limits and Connection Pooling


I am building a web application and I using PostgreSQL as the database management system.

The following page details the maximum connections setting:

I read about tuning on the following page

and it mentions

Generally, PostgreSQL on good hardware can support a few hundred connections.


I am confused about what defines a "connection". Many web sites have thousands or more users and it seems if it can only support a few hundred connections at once, then significant horizontal scaling would be required. Are connections very short?…Meaning, if a user loads a page and it queries the database, does it open and close a connection before and after?

Best Answer

In a web application you use a connection pool that establishes a fixed amount of database connections that are then shared between all sessions in your web applications.

Even when a web application has thousands of concurrent users, it might only need as much as 50 database connections (if the connection pooling is done right).

Meaning, if a user loads a page and it queries the database, does it open and close a connection before and after?

No, you shouldn't do that. Opening and closing connections is a relatively expensive operation. The connection pool will typically keep the connections open - at least for a defined amount of time. Your application takes connections from the pool and returns them to the pool.