PostgreSQL – Conditional Selection in FROM Clause


I have two tables:

  • parent with columns identifier (pkey) and period;
  • child with columns identifier (pkey), parent_identifier and period.

There are additional columns, but I did not list them here as they are not really relevant.

I want to select the periods as following:

  • If the parent matches some predicate, then pick parent.period.
  • If not, then pick child.period from each child.

I have the following query:

select   q.period
from     parent,
lateral  (
           select  parent.period
           where   <some complex predicate>
           union all
           select  child.period
           from    child
           where   child.parent_identifier = parent.identifier and
                   not(<the same complex predicate as above>)
         ) as q(period);

While this query works and returns the expected periods, I am wondering if this query could be rewritten in such way that <some complex predicate> does not have to be evaluated twice, to improve performance (albeit by a small factor) and general query structure to represent the if ... else ... from above. Ideally, I want to loop once through each parent/child row and evaluate the predicate just once.

I tried to introduce a case when <some complex predicate> then ... else ... end clause, but I fail to get it right. I am not sure if that is even possible in the FROM clause. Is this possible?

I also had select case when <predicate> then parent.period else unnest(array(select child.period from child where ...)) from parent in mind (though I did not try it, so it might be disallowed in a case when ... as well), but I am not sure if first creating and then unnesting an array is really optimal. Also, I am not really fond of set-returning functions, such as unnest, in the selection.

Best Answer

The following queries evaluate the expensive predicate just once for each parent row. To achieve this, the predicate is evaluated in a separate subquery. The first version uses a lateral join, the second an inner join. This meets the requirements from the question.

select   q2.period
from     parent,
lateral  (
           select <some complex predicate>
         ) as q1(predicate),
lateral  (
           select  parent.period
           where   q1.predicate
           union all
           select  child.period
           from    child
           where   child.parent_identifier = parent.identifier and
         ) as q2(period);
select     q2.period
from       parent,
inner join (
             select  parent.identifier, <some complex predicate>
             from    parent
           ) as q1(identifier, predicate)
on         parent.identifier = q1.identifier,
lateral    (
             select  parent.period
             where   q1.predicate
             union all
             select  child.period
             from    child
             where   child.parent_identifier = parent.identifier and
           ) as q2(period);