Postgresql – Combine rows to remove nulls while using latest value based on time

distinctgroup bypostgresqlquery

I have a table that has multiple rows associated with each ID but sometimes containing differing info:

Key, ID,  Name,  Title,  Time
4,   AA,  Abe,   NULL,   2018-01-05
3,   BB,  NULL,  Mrs,    2018-01-04
2,   AA,  NULL,  Mr,     2018-01-03
1,   BB,  Cat,   Ms,     2018-01-02

Some of the fields are Nulls, some of the row have differing info for the same columns and ID but there will always be an ID and a timestamp.

I want a query where I can squash Nulls but when there are multiple differing fields choose the latest one. Something like this:

Result = 
ID,  Name,  Title,  Time
AA,  Abe,   Mr,     2018-01-05
BB,  Cat,   Mrs,    2018-01-04 

I have something using "SELECT DISTINCT ON (id, name, title)" but I'm missing the next step so it's not working.

SQL Fiddle:!17/72ba3/1

Best Answer

     , SUBSTRING(MAX(time || name) FROM 11) "name"
     , SUBSTRING(MAX(time || title) FROM 11) title
     , MAX(time) "time"
FROM test_table

The FROM 11 part extracts the data (name or title) from the concatenated aggregate values. First 10 characters is the date (time column).