PostgreSQL CLUSTER – Sequential Scan and Sorting


I'm tring to understand the meaning of the following clause from PostgreSQL 12 docs

CLUSTER can re-sort the table using either an index scan on the
specified index, or (if the index is a b-tree) a sequential scan
followed by sorting.

When a sequential scan and sort is used, a temporary sort file is also
created, so that the peak temporary space requirement is as much as
double the table size, plus the index sizes. … you can disable this choice by temporarily setting
enable_sort to off.

Clustering is meant to physically reoder the table based on the index information. So what is going to happen if I set enable_sort=off? Will it still manage to reoder the data properly? If yes, then what is the benifit of having the enable_sort option in the play here at all?

Best Answer

So what is going to happen if I set enable_sort=off?

It will possibly hop back and forth between the index and random spots in the table, grinding our hard disk into dust while slowing reordering the table (by creating a new copy which is in index order).

Will it still manage to reoder the data properly? If yes, then what is the benifit of having the enable_sort option in the play here at all?

Yes. performance. If the table is huge and not already well-clustered, bulk sort is much faster than following an index.