PostgreSQL – How to Check if Each Value of Array is Equal


I try to get only if all rows with same id have same pday:

with dif_zero as (, 
date_part('day', p.docdate)::text pday
from sh_billing.dogovor d 
join sh_billing.pays p on p.dogovor_id = and p.is_actual
select id
group by id
having sum(char_sal_dif) = 0 
and avg(pday::int) =  (array_agg(pday))[1]::int 
and avg(pday::int) =  (array_agg(pday))[2]::int -- and so on...

Maby there is other way (more simple) to get to know if all elements in array equals to one another?

Or I can use window functioin in subquery, and after take only rows with value = 1.

select id, count(id) over(partition by id) one_day

Wich way is better? Or maby there is other way to do it more corrent?

Best Answer

If you want to make sure that all days are the same, just compare the min and max. If they are the same, then all values are the same as well.

with dif_zero as (
         date_part('day', p.docdate)::int pday
  from sh_billing.dogovor d 
   join sh_billing.pays p on p.dogovor_id = and p.is_actual
select id
group by id
having sum(char_sal_dif) = 0 -- where does char_sal_dif come from? 
   and min(pday) = max(pday) 

A more costly (=slower) but maybe easier to understand way, is to compare the count with the count of distinct values:

having count(*) = count(distinct pday)`