PostgreSQL – How to Check for Contiguous Date Intervals

gaps-and-islandspostgresqlwindow functions

I have a table in PostgreSQL which describes some events that have a start date and an end date:

  event_id serial NOT NULL,
  start_date timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
  end_date timestamp without time zone NOT NULL

A single event may overlap the previous and the next one. In the following table the first 3 of 4 events form a contiguous time interval:

1   '2015-04-02 22:09:03'   '2015-04-02 22:19:05'
2   '2015-04-02 22:17:38'   '2015-04-02 22:27:38'
3   '2015-04-02 22:25:21'   '2015-04-02 22:36:23'
4   '2015-04-02 22:45:23'   '2015-04-02 22:55:23'

Is it possible to write a query that checks if a contiguous date interval between two given dates exists?

I would like to have something like:

select ...
from my_table
where start_date > '2015-04-02' and end_date < '2015-04-06'

Best Answer

First, we combine intervals that overlap to find all the contiguous "islands" of the intervals:

with c as
  ( select *, max(end_date) over (order by start_date
                                  rows between unbounded preceding
                                           and 1 preceding)
                as previous_max
    from my_table
select start_date, 
       coalesce(lead(previous_max) over (order by start_date),
                (select max(end_date) from my_table)
               ) as end_date
from c 
where previous_max < start_date 
   or previous_max is null ;

After that, it's easy to check if a given interval in completely surrounded by one of the found contiguous islands.

   with c as
  ( select *, max(end_date) over (order by start_date
                                  rows between unbounded preceding
                                           and 1 preceding)
                as previous_max
    from my_table
  ) ,
cont as
  ( select start_date, 
           coalesce(lead(previous_max) over (order by start_date),
                    (select max(end_date) from my_table)
                   ) as end_date
    from c 
    where previous_max < start_date 
       or previous_max is null  
select *
from cont
where tsrange(start_date, end_date)
       @>                             -- contains
      tsrange('2015-04-02 22:10:00', '2015-04-02 22:30:00') 
limit 1 ;

Test at SQLfiddle