Postgresql – Change existing column in PG to auto-incremental primary key


I have a database in Postgresql, which was migrated from SQL Server (only data).
On SQL Server, a table from this database has these columns:


where measure_id is auto-incremental primary key, datum is datetime and measure is float.
After migration in Postrgresql, measure_id is column of type bigint.

How can I change this column (measure_id) to bigserial and assign it as primary key, now that my table is full of data?

Best Answer

Create a sequence and use it as the default value for the column:

create sequence measures_measure_id_seq
   owned by measures.measure_id;

alter table measures
   alter column measure_id set default nextval('measures_measure_id_seq');


That essentially what serial does.

See the manual for details:

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