Postgresql – Can’t create new tablespace for PostgreSQL data. Permissions denied


For some reason I don't seem to be allowed to set my PostgreSQL data folder to a drive other than the C drive (Windows 8 machine).

1) If I try to do so when installing PostgreSQL, the installation fails. Therefore I need to choose the C drive to make installation work.

2) If I try to move the data folder later on (, PostgreSQL service stops running.

3) Finally, if I try to create a tablespace in the D drive, I am not allowed to do so.

When I run the following query:

OWNER postgres
LOCATION 'D:\PostgreSQL\data' 

I get the following error:

ERROR:  could not set permissions on directory "D:/PostgreSQL/data": Permission denied
SQL state: 42501

I am an admin on that machine and I have made sure that I have 'full control' on the D drive.

I also followed advice given on this link "How to create a tablespace on Windows 7 for Postgresql 9.2?". I gave 'NETWORK SERVICE' full control on the D drive, but that didn't solve the problem.

Best Answer

For some reason I don't seem to be allowed to change my PostgreSQL data folder to a drive other than the C drive.

This is not the correct way to do that anyway. Creating a tablespace and moving the whole cluster are different things.

I am an admin on that machine and I have made sure that I have 'full control' on the D drive.

It doesn't matter who you are, what matters is who is the service account running PostgreSQL, and what permissions that account has.