PostgreSQL – Best Query to Exclude Existing Friends


I have a User table

/ id_user / username / ..

friends table (pair AB and BA):

/ friend_of / friend_to

and a friend_request table (used for pending friend requests)

/ id_req/ sent_from / sent_to

I would like to have a little search for new friend feature (autosuggestion style) and I would like NOT to show in the list friends that are ALREADY in my friends list OR being in a friend request pending.

The idea behind the query would be to show the username of user NOT in the friend_to column and NOT in the sent_to column.

I came up with these two flavors:

select id_user,username 
from public.user u 
username like '%tom%' 
u.id_user NOT IN (SELECT sent_to FROM friend_request where sent_from = 288) 
u.id_user NOT IN (SELECT friend_to FROM friends where friend_of=288);


select id_user,username
from public.user u 
left join friend_request fr 
u.id_user=sent_to AND fr.sent_from=288
left join friends f 
u.id_user = f.friend_to AND f.friend_of=288
where username like '%tom%' AND sent_to IS NULL and friend_to IS NULL;

Both of these produce the same result. But I would like some advice on which one is a better choice performance and bets practice wise?

Best Answer

NOT IN is typically the slowest option. LEFT JOIN / IS NULL is more promising. Or NOT EXISTS:


Just your query, formatted:

SELECT u.id_user, u.username
FROM   "user" u 
LEFT   JOIN friend_request fr ON fr.sent_to = u.id_user
                             AND fr.sent_from = 288
LEFT   JOIN friends f ON f.friend_to = u.id_user
                     AND f.friend_of = 288
WHERE  u.username LIKE '%tom%'
AND    fr.sent_to IS NULL
AND    f.friend_to IS NULL;

Or, a variant with NOT EXISTS anti-semi-joins:

SELECT u.id_user, u.username
FROM   "user" u
   SELECT 1 FROM friend_request
   WHERE  sent_to = u.id_user
   AND    sent_from = 288
   SELECT 1 FROM friends
   WHERE  friend_to = u.id_user
   AND    friend_of = 288
WHERE  u.username LIKE '%tom%';


The most important factor for performance. An ideal setup would have:

  1. A trigram GIN or GiST index on "user".username. You need the additional module pg_trgm. Instructions - and Gin or GiST?

    If index-only scans are possible, append the otherwise useless id_user. You need the additional module btree_gin (or btree_gist respectively):


    CREATE INDEX usr_trgm_idx ON "user" USING gin (username gin_trgm_ops, id_user);
  2. Multicolumn indexes (or a UNIQUE / PK constraint) on (sent_from, sent_to) and (friend_of, friend_to) - with columns in that order. The reversed order would work, too, but not quite as good. Each query checks for a single friend_of combined with many different friend_to, which is faster with the suggested column order, because this way tuples are much rather localized on the same or a few index pages.

That said, the proof of the pudding is still in the eating. Get the final verdict from EXPLAIN (BUFFERS, ANALYZE) in your production database.


Do not call your table user, that's a reserved word.