PostgreSQL Schema – Avoid Referencing Schema in Trigger Function


I have written function that I registered in a trigger that ensure referential consistency in non-normalized data (like we store agency_id + branch_id and I ensure that a referenced branch is inside a reference agency).

The function has some selects:

SELECT b.agency_id INTO agency_id FROM branch AS b WHERE = NEW.branch_id;
IF NEW.agency_id <> agency_id THEN
  RAISE EXCEPTION 'privilege.agency_id (%) mismatches privilege.branch_id => (%)', NEW.agency_id, agency_id;

All worked fine for several years until I run pg_dump. On import by psql ... -f dump/dict-local.sql I see errors:

ERROR:  42P01: relation "branch" does not exist
LINE 1: SELECT b.agency_id                FROM branch AS b WHERE b.i...
QUERY:  SELECT b.agency_id                FROM branch AS b WHERE = NEW.branch_id
CONTEXT:  PL/pgSQL function SCHEMA.privilege_orgunit_ck() line 8 at SQL statement

After I added schema prefix: SCHEMA.branch import started to work. I don't like to add schema prefix to tables referenced in the function. What can I do to avoid the error?

Is it related to search_path? I seee in the very beginning of pg_dump output:

SELECT pg_catalog.set_config('search_path', '', false);

UPDATE There is TG_TABLE_SCHEMA mentioned in the docs. I'm not sure how to use it, using it as prefix TG_TABLE_SCHEMA.branch produces the same error:

psql:dump/dict-local.sql:4368: ERROR:  42P01: relation "tg_table_schema.branch" does not exist
LINE 1: SELECT b.agency_id                FROM TG_TABLE_SCHEMA.branc...

If I need to rewrite select into:

EXECUTE format('SELECT ... INTO ... FROM %I.branch', TG_TABLE_SCHEMA);

it looks awful…

Best Answer

I come up with:

PERFORM set_config('search_path', TG_TABLE_SCHEMA, true);

The last argument true ensures a change is only for the current transaction:

If is_local is true, the new value will only apply to the current transaction. If you want the new value to apply for the current session, use false instead.

I don't know the scope trigger executes, so I'm not sure in the solution.