PostgreSQL Query Optimization – A Better Way to Write This Query?


I have the following schema for my database (Postgresql 10):

CREATE TABLE "PulledTexts" (
"Id" serial PRIMARY KEY,
"BaseText" TEXT,
"CleanText" TEXT

CREATE TABLE "UniqueWords" (
"Id" serial PRIMARY KEY,
"WordText" TEXT

CREATE TABLE "WordTexts" (
"Id" serial PRIMARY KEY,
"TextIdId" INTEGER REFERENCES "PulledTexts",
CREATE INDEX "IX_WordTexts_TextIdId" ON "WordTexts" ("TextIdId");
CREATE INDEX "IX_WordTexts_WordIdId" ON "WordTexts" ("WordIdId");

Some sample data:

INSERT INTO public."PulledTexts" ("Id", "BaseText", "CleanText") VALUES
(1, 'automate business audit', null),
(2, 'audit trial', null),
(3, 'trial', null),
(4, 'audit', null),
(5, 'fresh report', null),
(6, 'fresh audit', null),
(7, 'automate this script', null),
(8, 'im trying here', null),
(9, 'automate this business', null),
(10, 'lateral', null);

INSERT INTO public."UniqueWords" ("Id", "WordText") VALUES
(1, 'trial'),
(2, 'audit'),
(3, 'creation'),
(4, 'business'),
(5, 'automate');

INSERT INTO public."WordTexts" ("Id", "TextIdId", "WordIdId") VALUES
(1, 1, 2),
(2, 1, 4),
(3, 1, 5),
(4, 2, 1),
(5, 3, 1),
(6, 4, 2),
(7, 6, 2),
(8, 7, 5),
(9, 9, 4),
(10, 9, 5),
(11, 2, 2);

The database itself is created through Entity framework migration for now.

I would like to know if there's a better, specifically more performance efficient way of writing this query because the WordTexts table will contain hundreds of thousands of records and eventually millions. I am also open to going a NoSql route if that would be more efficient for these kinds of queries.

FROM "PulledTexts"
 SELECT "TextIdId"
 FROM "WordTexts" AS "wordTexts"
 LEFT JOIN "UniqueWords" AS "wordTexts.WordId" ON "wordTexts"."WordIdId" = "wordTexts.WordId"."Id"
 WHERE "wordTexts.WordId"."WordText" = 'automate'

 OR "TextIdId" IN (
  SELECT "TextIdId" and1
  from "WordTexts" AS "wordTexts"
  LEFT JOIN "UniqueWords" AS "wordTexts.WordId" ON "wordTexts"."WordIdId" = "wordTexts.WordId"."Id"
  where "wordTexts.WordId"."WordText" = 'audit' INTERSECT

  SELECT "TextIdId" and2
  from "WordTexts" AS "wordTexts"
  LEFT JOIN "UniqueWords" AS "wordTexts.WordId" ON "wordTexts"."WordIdId" = "wordTexts.WordId"."Id"
  WHERE "wordTexts.WordId"."WordText" = 'trial'

At a high level, this query is supposed to return PulledTexts whose IDs match those returned by the subqueries. The subqueries are simply meant to return the list of IDs of PulledTexts that contain lets say ('audit' AND 'trial') OR 'automate' from the UniqueWords table. This is exactly what the example query I gave does. The WordTexts table is a simple mapping of UniqueWord to PulledText.

Best Answer

While your query is valid, there is a lot I would differently.

  1. Don't use CaMeL-case names in Postgres if it can be avoided. Your unnamed entity framework may force this nonsense upon you, but I don't want to deal with the double-quote mess, so I tested with your schema after removing all double-quotes - effectively making all identifiers lower-cased.

  2. Don't use illegible or illegal column and table aliases (like "wordTexts.WordId"). That's a matter of taste and style (and sanity), but you also omitted the keyword AS where you should not and kept it where you could omit it.

  3. I also formatted some more to make it easier for me to grok the query. That last part is totally optional. But use some consistent formatting style.

Arriving at this:

FROM   PulledTexts
   SELECT w.TextIdId
   FROM   WordTexts w  -- AS can be omitted for table alias
   LEFT   JOIN UniqueWords u ON w.WordIdId = u.Id  -- LEFT JOIN might be necessary here
   WHERE  u.WordText = 'automate'
   OR     w.TextIdId IN (
      SELECT w.TextIdId  -- AS and1 -- column alias only documentation here, not visible
      FROM   WordTexts w
      JOIN   UniqueWords u ON w.WordIdId = u.Id  -- LEFT JOIN misleading here
      WHERE  u.WordText = 'audit'

      SELECT w.TextIdId  -- AS and2  -- but don't omit AS for column alias
      FROM   WordTexts w
      JOIN   UniqueWords u ON w.WordIdId = u.Id
      WHERE  u.WordText = 'trial'

Which can be simplified to:

   SELECT w.TextIdId AS Id
   FROM   WordTexts   w
   JOIN   UniqueWords u ON w.WordIdId = u.Id  -- now we don't need LEFT any more
   WHERE  u.WordText = 'automate'

   SELECT w.TextIdId
   FROM   WordTexts w
   JOIN   UniqueWords u ON w.WordIdId = u.Id
   WHERE  u.WordText = 'audit'

   SELECT w.TextIdId
   FROM   WordTexts w
   JOIN   UniqueWords u ON w.WordIdId = u.Id
   WHERE  u.WordText = 'trial'
   ) w
JOIN   PulledTexts p USING (Id)

We do not need additional parentheses because, according to the manual:

INTERSECT binds more tightly than UNION. That is, A UNION B INTERSECT C will be read as A UNION (B INTERSECT C).

But this will be faster when replacing multiple intersected subqueries:

   SELECT w.TextIdId AS Id
   FROM   WordTexts   w
   JOIN   UniqueWords u ON w.WordIdId = u.Id
   WHERE  u.WordText = 'automate'

   SELECT TextIdId
   FROM   WordTexts w1
   JOIN   WordTexts w2 USING (TextIdId)
   WHERE  w1.WordIdId = (SELECT Id FROM UniqueWords WHERE WordText = 'audit')
   AND    w2.WordIdId = (SELECT Id FROM UniqueWords WHERE WordText = 'trial')
   ) w
JOIN   PulledTexts p USING (Id)

The INTERSECT part can be cast as relational division problem. Explanation in this related answer from just yesterday:

db<>fiddle here

Most important for performance is to have the right indexes. You probably should have a UNIQUE constraint on (WordIdId, TextIdId) in table WordTexts, which implements the currently missing index on those two columns in this order.