Resolve PLS-00306 Error in dbms_scheduler.create_job


I'm not an expert about DBMS_SCHEDULER.CREATE_JOB and i've been asked to create a job. When i run it i get these errors:

ORA-06550: line2,column 2
PLS-00306: wrong number or types of arguments in call to 'CREATE_JOB'

My statement is:

   job_name           =>  'ME.Delete_org',
   job_type           =>  'STORED_PROCEDURE',
   job_action         =>  'BEGIN delete_org_sre_package.process_org_sre_deletions; END;',
   start_date         =>  '23-NOV-17 11.00.00 PM',
   repeat_interval    =>  'FREQ=WEEKLY; BYDAY=FRI; BYHOUR=23; BYMINUTE=0; BYSECOND=0;',
   auto_drop          =>   FALSE,
   end_date           =>   NULL,
   enabled            =>   TRUE,
   comments           =>  'Every Friday at 11pm');

Any ideas of what i'm doing wrong? Thanks

Best Answer

You need to review each of the parameters in the docs, located at Specfically, take a look at 'job_action' for your specified 'job_type' of "STORED_PROCEDURE".

"The action is the name of the stored procedure. " (emphasis mine). You are saying the action is a command -- "execute".

Also, does your procedure "delete_org_sre_package.process_org_sre_deletions" have any input or output parameters?