Transaction Log – Benefits of Placing on Separate Volume


Transaction logs are often isolated on a separate volume. The rationale for this practice, as I understand it, is that the transaction log's data is written sequentially — and hard drives can execute write operations with far greater speed sequentially as opposed to randomly. This is due to the little needle inside the drive which has to move a much shorter distance when writing sequential blocks of data, as opposed to random writes.

(Sorry for the naive interpretation. Just trying to make sense of what I've read.)

With this in mind… It occurs to me that solid state drives don't have little needles and platters and stuff moving around inside of them. If my database and transaction log are both located on a single RAID 5 of eight solid state drives, is there really any upside to moving the transaction log onto its own separate volume? If the supposed efficiency boost is based upon the premise of sequential writes reducing the distance that needles move and platters spin, and a solid state drive has none of these moving parts, what do I gain by isolating the log?

Best Answer

Short answer, use a single array, there is unlikely to be any performance gain from separating logs from data across 8 SSD drives. See SQL on SSDs: Hot and Crazy Love for a more detailed (and entertaining) commentary on SSDs. Pay particular attention to the notes on correlated failures of SSDs.

Separating logs from data on SSDs is more an RPO (recovery point objective) than performance issue. The notion being that you could reduce your RPO by separating logs from data such that in the event of the data array failing, your log array should/could remain accessible. The cautious would consider a different make/model of drive in each of the two arrays to mitigate the correlated failure issue if RPO was critical.

The comments regarding bus bandwidth are irrelevant. If you need to shift that much IO, you've got bigger issues to worry about.