Oracle PL-SQL – LAST_VALUE Function Not Giving Desired Result

oracleoracle-11g-r2plsqlquerywindow functions

I have a table with below structure:

create table DOC_AMOUNT_DETAIL
  col_id         NUMBER,
  amount         NUMBER,
  operation_date DATE      

and some example data for this table is :

col_id    |  amount   |  operation_date 
  1       |  5000     |  11/1/2020  
  2       |  1000     |  11/1/2020 
  3       |  3000     |  11/1/2020     
  1       |  1000     |  11/14/2020
  2       |   500     |  11/14/2020

I'm trying to use last_value function to have below output:

col_id    |  amount   
  1       |  1000      
  2       |  500    
  3       |  3000

and the problem is that the query does not give me the desired result :

select t.col_id,
       last_value(t.amount) over(partition by t.col_id order by t.operation_date
        ) amount
from doc_amount_detail t
where t.operation_date <= to_date('11/15/2020', 'mm/dd/yyyy');

Instead, it gives me this :

col_id    |  amount   
  1       |  5000    
  1       |  1000
  2       |  1000
  2       |  500
  3       |  3000

Everything seems fine with my query so can anybody please explain where the exact problem is?
Thanks in advance

Best Answer


The ORDER BY clause (in an analytical function), implies a window clause of ROWS BETWEEN UNBOUNDED PRECEDING AND CURRENT ROW.


Since this will apply to each row, you'll need a DISTINCT clause.


with data(col_id, amount, operation_date ) as (
    select  1,  5000,  to_date( '11/1/2020', 'mm/dd/yyyy' ) from dual union all
    select  2,  1000,  to_date( '11/1/2020', 'mm/dd/yyyy' ) from dual union all 
    select  3,  3000,  to_date( '11/1/2020', 'mm/dd/yyyy' ) from dual union all
    select  1,  1000,  to_date( '11/14/2020', 'mm/dd/yyyy' ) from dual union all
    select  2,   500,  to_date( '11/14/2020', 'mm/dd/yyyy' ) from dual
select distinct col_id
    , last_value( amount ) over (partition by col_id order by operation_date
                                 rows BETWEEN UNBOUNDED PRECEDING AND UNBOUNDED FOLLOWING) amt
from data;


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