How to Pivot Rows into Multiple Columns in Oracle


I have a SQL Server instance that has a linked server to an Oracle server. There is a table on the Oracle server called PersonOptions which contains the following data:

║ PersonID ║ OptionID ║
║        1 ║ A        ║
║        1 ║ B        ║
║        2 ║ C        ║
║        3 ║ B        ║
║        4 ║ A        ║
║        4 ║ C        ║

I need to pivot that data so the results are:

║ PersonID ║ OptionA ║ Option B ║ Option C ║
║        1 ║       1 ║        1 ║          ║
║        2 ║         ║          ║        1 ║
║        3 ║         ║        1 ║          ║
║        4 ║       1 ║          ║        1 ║

Any suggestions?

Best Answer

There are a few ways that you can perform this data transformation. You have access to the PIVOT function then that will be the easiest, but if not then you can use an aggregate function and a CASE.

Aggregate /Case version:

select personid,
  max(case when optionid = 'A' then 1 else 0 end) OptionA,
  max(case when optionid = 'B' then 1 else 0 end) OptionB,
  max(case when optionid = 'C' then 1 else 0 end) OptionC
from PersonOptions
group by personid
order by personid;

See SQL Fiddle with Demo

Static Pivot:

select *
  select personid, optionid
  from PersonOptions
) src
  for optionid in ('A' as OptionA, 'B' OptionB, 'C' OptionC)
) piv
order by personid

See SQL Fiddle with Demo

Dynamic Version:

The two versions above work great if you have a known number of values, but if your values are unknown, then you will want to implement dynamic sql and in Oracle you can use a procedure:

CREATE OR REPLACE procedure dynamic_pivot_po(p_cursor in out sys_refcursor)
    sql_query varchar2(1000) := 'select personid ';

        for x in (select distinct OptionID from PersonOptions order by 1)
            sql_query := sql_query ||
                ' , min(case when OptionID = '''||x.OptionID||''' then 1 else null end) as Option_'||x.OptionID;

        end loop;

        sql_query := sql_query || ' from PersonOptions group by personid order by personid';

        open p_cursor for sql_query;

Then you return the results, you will use:

variable x refcursor
exec dynamic_pivot_po(:x)
print x

The results are the same with all versions:

|        1 |       1 |       1 |       0 |
|        2 |       0 |       0 |       1 |
|        3 |       0 |       1 |       0 |
|        4 |       1 |       0 |       1 |
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