Oracle SQL Loader – load file where record is composed of ā€œnā€ delimiters

command linefilestreamoraclesql-loader

How would you write a control file for Oracle SQL Loader that treats each record as being composed of 3 commas?

I have read the documentation, however I cannot find how to handle this scenario, without having to edit my data file by hand.

For example, my data file has:


I would like to load the data into the table looking like this:

col1       col2       col3

fd         3232       gfd67gf
peas       989767     jkdfnfgjhf
dhdhjsk    267        ujfdsy
fuyds      637296     ldosi
fduy       873        fuisouyd
try\nsave  2837       ipoi

Note: Where I have "\n" in the last row of col1, I mean an actual line feed not literally "\n".

Best Answer

So the linefeed before peas and dhdhjsk should be skipped but the linefeed before save is part of the data. Which linefeeds should be skipped and which are part of the data? I think such a format is very error prone and should be avoided. Perhaps you can do it the following way but I did not verify this

  • define "," as the physical record separator
  • join three physical records to on logical records
  • to skip a leading \n trim leading whitespace from fields or use sql-functions

The following links to the manual can provide information:

Concatenating physical records to logical records

Input formats


Apply SQL functions

Specifying delimiters