Oracle schema import is not importing all the tables present in the schema dump file


I have exported an existing oracle schema from another machine and then imported it in my local machine. Import was successful, but some tables which are present in the export dump file are not imported.

Here are the export and import commands i have used.

Export Command:
exp sreeni/sreeni@agentrics1:1524/ezmodc full=n file=SreeniTrunkDump.dmp log=SreeniTrunkDump_Export.log 

Import Command:
imp badri/badri@localhost:1521/xe file=SreeniTrunkDump.dmp log=BadriSchemaImport_Import.log full=y   

The Oracle we are using is 10g EE.

What could be going wrong ? Can you please suggest a solution to this issue.

Best Answer

Use following statement to see what is exactly in export file:

imp sreeni/sreeni@agentrics1:1524/ezmodc file=SreeniTrunkDump.dmp indexfile=SreeniTrunkDump.sql full=y

This statment will not try to import data, just dumps DDL to indexfile. Check the generated file to see if table is in export.

Alternatively if you are on unix

strings SreeniTrunkDump.dmp|grep <missingtable>

If table is in export file something goes wrong during import. Missing tablespace for example. Check the logfile of import statement (BadriSchemaImport_Import.log) for that.