Oracle result cache behaviour


Oracle by default caching the query results and function results(Buffer cache).

I have noticed this with AutoTrace utility, where the physical reads are huge on first execution, but from next execution onward it reduced dramatically.

Then what is the importance of query result cache, function result cache?

I have also noticed that the buffer cache does not gets invalidated even when I try to update physical table. But still I noticed physical reads are 0.

Could some one help on this to understand better?

Best Answer

Oracle by default does not cache query and function result, but both cache do exist.

The importance of these: there is more than caching blocks. Even if you process everything in memory, why process the same requests again and again, if you already know the answer?

What you are referring to when mentioning autotrace and physical reads, is the buffer cache.

"I have also noticed that the buffer cache does not gets invalidated even when I try to restart the server."

This is a false conclusion. When you restart the database, the buffer cache will be empty again. Post your test that confirms the opposite.