Oracle Security – Risks of Remote OS Authentication with Domain Users


What security risks can be with domain users?

create user "OPS$KA\USERNAME" identified externally.

grant create session to "OPS$KA\MARIK";

Then MARIK that is in KA domain, can logon to the database without password.

I wander to know if oracle checks that the user is a really domain user?

For example is there a risk that somebody with the computer name LB and username MARIK can connect to the database , even it is not a domain user?

Best Answer

Without specific setup, Oracle Database will not know anything about any domain type users you set up. In fact, that's kind of the point of having OS Authentication in the first place; the OS does the authentication, and the Database assumes that this Authentication is legitimate.

If you're using OS authentication for users, you (or someone else in your IT department) will need to set up the necessary precautions to protect that authentication at the OS level.

OS Authentication can be useful in certain cases (automated backups, cron jobs, etc. Anything where you want a background user to log in but you don't want to have a grep'able password), but IMO as a security practice it isn't really too much to ask for a user to have to type a password. Security is best in layers.