Oracle expdp et impdp : order of schemas


When I try to export and then import many schemas from one Oracle DB to another one, I get errors because grants and synonyms cannot be recreated in the target DB; the reason is probably that the schemas are not imported in the right order.

So :

  • With impdp, is it possible to define the order in which the schemas are to be imported ?
  • If not (and I think that impdp simply uses the order in which the schemas were found in the dump file) : is it possible during the expdp to define the order in which the schemas are to be exported ?

Best Answer

You have no direct control over the order on objects creation. Anyway, you can try to perform a full export, and then, run an impdp only of the schemas you need. For example:

expdp system/**** full=y directory=<dir> dumpfile=<dumpfile>

and then import all the schemas you want (in the order you need):

impdp system/**** directory=<dir> dumpfile=<dumpfile> schemas="schema1, schema2, .. , schemaN"

I have not done a test, but you can give it a try.

Hope it helps.