Oracle – execute DML query as different user


I would like to be able to run DML queries (INSERT,UPDATE,DELETE) by executing a procedure on a given schema. Those queries need to change data on different schemas on the same instance. So, basically, I need to run this procedure with all the privileges of a user that it needs to be ran on. I put the


clause in the package header as well as


clause in the body of procedure. This works perfectly fine for non-DML/DDL queries like SELECT, unfortunetely when I run the DML procedure there's an error about insufficient privileges. When I grant privileges to user A (the one which the package is stored on) the queries run with no problems. So clearly the procedure is ran as user A (package user) and not user B (user I want to run DML queries on).

Is there anything I can do to make this happen? I want to keep all the code on user A without manually granting any privileges on all the users.

Best Answer

A bit old question but if anybody is interested, there is a way to do it. Take a look at dbms_sys_sql package. It allows you to execute any SQL as any user on the database. It is how APEX does it. But be careful granting execute privileges to this package since it can be used to impersonate anybody on the database and it is very powerful.