Oracle Enterprise Manager Database Console – default login and password


I've just installed an Oracle 11g Standard Edition Database. It ran successfully and everything, however when going to Oracle Enterprise Manager Im not really sure what my "username" would be.

I entered a password during the installer, and I tried SYS and my password connecting as "Normal" and "SYSDBA". However, I'm not really sure what my username is meant to be. Is it just that I haven't set up a username/password for this yet?


Best Answer

Here is the Oracle 11.2 installation document describing the administrator user accounts after installation. Once logged in, you would change passwords with the syntax

alter user system identified by mynewpassword;

Note the SYS and SYSTEM accounts are assigned the DBA role. The DBA role does not have a password, the accounts do. The DBA role is created with every installation. You could grant the DBA role to another user if needed.