Oracle 11g – Full Client Installation for Version 32-bit


I need to install an Oracle Client on a Windows 2008 Server R2.
The client must be 32 bits since the application that it is going to use it only works under 32 bits.

I´m getting crazy knowing what specific packages I need to download and install. I can´t find what components I have to install to simply install the client and the ODBC drivers. I cannot believe that Oracle is so bad at this. Why cannot Oracle have a simple installer where you install everithing you need?, instead of having to donwload multiple packages, merging them and running console installers.

I´ve donwloaded and installed:

  • ODAC112040Xcopy_32bit
  • instantclient-basic-nt-
  • instantclient-odbc-nt-

And I still cannot get the freaking ODBC driver to appear on the list of availables ODBC drivers on ODBC connections.

Can someone please tell me or point me out what do I have to install to accomplish this?.


Best Answer

This is not an Oracle, but a Microsoft Windows issue. When you install a 32-bit ODBC driver on a 64-bit operating system, and try to configure ODBC data sources from the Start menu or Control panel, it opens the utility (C:\Windows\System32\odbcad32.exe) for managing 64 bit drivers and data sources with them.

If you want to manage ODBC with a 32-bit driver, run this instead:


Newer versions of Windows offer 2 seperate menu entries for managing 32-bit and 64-bit ODBC.

enter image description here

Why cannot Oracle have a simple installer where you install everithing you need?, instead of having to donwload multiple packages, merging them and running console installers.

Here is the full, graphical installer ( for 11.2:

The version can be downloaded from with a valid support contract, which is required for downloading updates.