ORA-20000: ORU-10027: buffer overflow, limit of 10000 bytes


I got that error when I tried to execute this query:

select *
from lc_history2 lc
where  lc.view_name <> 'LC Main'
and lc.modifiedtime = (select max(modifiedtime) from lc_history2 l where lc.lc = l.lc) 
 and lc.modifiedtime >= sysdate-30

Best Answer

ORU-10027 will appear if you are using a lot of dbms_output.put_line in your PL/SQL with a small buffer amount. If you are just debugging then you should set this to a large amount (dbms_output.enable(10000000) is traditional though from 10g onwards it can be unlimted: dbms_output.enable(null)) but try to remove them when going to production.