Ola backups happening on both Primary and Secondary AG


I configured Ola's scripts on a staging AG configuration to test out the logic. When I checked the backup folder today after a week, I see that the backups are happening both on the primary replica and copy_only backups on the secondary replica.

It is my understanding that the backups are supposed to happen on the secondary replica – And I have configured the AG to "Prefer secondary". I don't want the backups happening on both primary and secondary on this 2 node AG. What can be done for this to work? Please advise.

Best Answer

Validate that:

  • Backup Priority is higher on the Secondary instances
  • None of the secondaries are excluded
  • You are looking at Synchronized (in the AG) databases
  • You do not have OverrideBackupPreference set in the Ola cmd line

Check your DBName. If I call sys.fn_hadr_backup_is_preferred_replica with a @DatabaseName that does not exist on the instance it returns a 1. If you have validated all this and it still returns a 1 on both replicas then the issue is not the OLA scripts, the issue is your AG configuration.

Community Wiki answer created from comments by IanG