Database Design – Normalization to 3NF


I've been learning how to normalise data into a normalisation table and I'm struggling to get my head around this example question.

I have this 'clinical record' card:
enter image description here

Would anyone able to explain to me as to how to convert this into UNF and then to 3NF?

Best Answer

The card is UNF. Everything is one row. 3NF is when you make a list of the things, and each list of things has a unique item list, and you link them using thing-item-id.

[list] Form [items] FormID, FormName, FormTemplate (definition of    report) 
[list] Address [items] AddressID, StreetNumber, StreetName...    (address data) 
[list] Vet [items] VetID, VetName 
[list] Species    [items] SpeciesID, SpeciesName 
[list] ExaminationType [items]    ExaminationTypeID, ExaminationTypeName, Cost   
[list] Patient [items]    PatientID, PatientName, PatientSpeciesID REFERENCES Species (SpeciesID)
[list] Appointment [items] PatientID REFERENCES Patient(PatientID), ExaminationTypeID REFERENCES ExaminationType(ExaminationTypeID), Date, VetID REFERENCES Vet(VetID)

Data is uniquely stored, referenced in table containing transactional data. Form template would have RDL for creating the card, from the relevant list data. The idea behind 3NF is store related information in the same list, only once, and reference that data wherever applicable. Gets complicated when Vet changes name, but you want to reprint previous statement with Vet's previous name ... :)