Non-RAC single instance with ASM startup query


How to start a non-rac single instance with ASM file system. As in the case of RAC after reboot of server, the ASM and CRS resources startup automatically.. but with non-RAC but with ASM storage, what is the right way to start the database?

Is there anything specific that should be given attention to start the database?

Start the ASM instance and mount all the diskgroups and then start the database?

Correct me/add if i'm wrong.

Server- RHEL Database – 12c

Best Answer

Check if autostart for Oracle Restart is enabled:

$ cat /etc/oracle/scls_scr/$HOSTNAME/oracle/ohasdstr

If it is not enabled, then enable it:

crsctl enable has

Check if ASM autostart is enabled:

crsctl stat res ora.asm

If ASM is not registered in GI, add it with:

srvctl add asm ...

Check if used diskgroups are registered:

srvctl status diskgroup -g DATA
crsctl stat res ora.DATA.dg

If they are not registered, add them with:

srvctl add diskgroup ...

Check if the database is registered and autostart is enabled:

srvctl config database -d ORCL

If it is not, register and enable:

srvctl add database ...
srvctl enable database ...

Finally make sure you define the used ASM diskgroups as dependencies:

srvctl modify database -d ORCL -diskgroup "DATA,FRA"

You can also check the listener:

srvctl config listener

If it does not exist, you can add with:

srvctl add listener ...

You do not need to start or stop anything manually with sqlplus, lsnrctl. Oracle Restart takes care of that based on the defined start/stop options and dependencies.