New to CTE – How to do a count after making table unique


I'm new to CTE's and usually sub query my SQL. I'm unsure how to get the results I want as I keep finding solutions that would require sub queries.

I have the below table in SQL. I'm trying to write a CTE to give me one line of data per day for each person. Where a person has more than one location ('where' field) for a day – I need to exclude all lines for that day. If a person has multiple lines for one day but the location is the same place – I want to only keep one line of this data.

This is an example of the original table:

Original Table

This is an example of the result that I'm looking for (note – I don't need the ID field in the result).

Desired result

Below is the definition and insert statement to the original dataset:

(`ID` int, `Person` varchar(5), `Date` varchar(10), `Where` varchar(6));

(`ID`, `Person`, `Date`, `Where`)
(1, 'Laura', '17/10/2019', 'School'),
(2, 'Laura', '18/10/2019', 'School'),
(3, 'Laura', '19/10/2019', 'School'),
(4, 'Laura', '19/10/2019', 'Park'),
(5, 'Laura', '20/10/2019', 'Home'),
(6, 'Laura', '21/10/2019', 'School'),
(7, 'Laura', '21/10/2019', 'School'),
(8, 'Laura', '21/10/2019', 'Home'),
(9, 'Tom', '17/10/2019', 'Home'),
(10, 'Tom', '18/10/2019', 'Home'),
(11, 'Tom', '18/10/2019', 'Home'),
(12, 'Tom', '19/10/2019', 'Home'),
(13, 'Tom', '19/10/2019', 'School'),
(14, 'Tom', '20/10/2019', 'Home');

Best Answer

Don't know why you need a CTE (or a subselect), wouldn't this simply be

select person, date_, max(where_) from tbl1
group by person, date_
having count(distinct where_) < 2


PS. Note I changed the table definition to 1) remove backticks that are only used by MySQL to quote identifiers (Redshift is based on Postgres) and 2) rename columns with names that conflict with SQL keywords.