MySQLTuner request – high CPU problems


I've been running a pretty high pop website for a few months new and as its growing we've been having some problems lately.

Its a 2 core Xeon, 8GB, SSD server.
We're pulling +- 150k people a day.

Its a lightning fast wordpress stack and up to about 450 concurrent (200 pageviews a minute) it remains lightning fast.

If it goes beyond that, the load goes INSANE, from 1.5 to 20 or 30!
I've been trying to fine tune my.cfg but I'm about to give up, there is LOADS of information which is very varying, so I'm starting to get confused.

Here is my MySQLTuner from the last 4 days.

As you will see, it tells me to increase query cache, doing so however absolutely destroys my CPU even more and a lot earlier than when it remains at 8MB…

We also converted all tables to InnoDB and saw a big performance gain that way in the past.

I hope I can get some insight from professionals. I would even pay for some one on one time if needed.

Thank you!

Best Answer

2nd suggestion to allow formatted .sql script attempt:

# list-IS-gvout.sql                    Last Updated 12/21/2018
# email   sharable comments, please 
# DELETE the OUTFILE name(s) if they exist BEFORE you run this sql script
# OUTFILE name must be available to write results to destination of SELECT @@datadir
SELECT * INTO OUTFILE './isgv.txt' FROM information_schema.global_variables ORDER BY global_variables.variable_name;

# Maybe your text editor will have capacity to post to with this output file.