Mysqlbinlog statement reading


I am trying to perform a point in time on a specific database using a snapshot and mysql's transaction logs. I am using the following to pull statements from the time of the snapshot to the time of recovery:

mysqlbinlog --database=**database** --start-datetime="$start_datetime" --stop-datetime="$stop_datetime" list_of_binlog_file_names

The resulting statements that mysqlbinlog produces include INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE statements for another database that has the form:

INSERT INTO **database**_reporting.tablename VALUES (data);

So functionally I'm getting statements from 2 different databases, one is our production database, the other is our reporting database, differentiated by nomenclature by the '_reporting'. It would appear to me that our application is inserting to the secondary database while still using the primary one and the binlogs associate both statements with the primary database.

Am I correct that mysqlbinlog is going to read out statements for both databases as long as they are executed after a USE primary_database;? Is there a way to separate out the ones for the reporting database using mysqlbinlog? I have searched quite a bit- I may be barking up the wrong tree here. Let me know if I can clarify the question.

Best Answer

Since the --database option does not screen out queries that explicitly name the database with the table, you should redirect that to grep and locate primary_database and INSERTs, UPDATEs, DELETEs:

mysqlbinlog --database=**database** --start-datetime="$start_datetime" --stop-datetime="$stop_datetime" list_of_binlog_file_names | grep "primary_database\." | grep "[IUD][NPE][SDL][EA][RT][TE]"

This may not be a perfect solution. Perhaps a good perl or python script and nail this one.