Mysql – Will changing a MySQL user’s password break existing connections


If I update a user's password or privileges in MySQL, how does this affect existing connections? In particular, if I change the replication user password, will it break replication for connected slaves?

Edit: Assume I am using FLUSH PRIVILEGES after updating the information.

Best Answer

According to MySQL 5.0 Certification Study Guide

enter image description here

Page 489 under the subheading says 'Statement Privilege Checking' says:

Each time the server receives a statement from a client, it check's the client's privileges to see whether it is allowed to execute the statement.

Since MySQL grants are checked in memory, then one of two things must happen


If you ran standard GRANT commands to change the password, the password change is recording on disk via FLUSH PRIVILEGES; automatically. (See Section 34.1.2 "The Grant Tables")


If you hacked the password in, as follows (shown in Section 35.5.1 Page 498):

SET @newpass = PASSWORD('whateverpasswordiwant');
UPDATE mysql.user SET PASSWORD = @newpass WHERE user='replication_user';

This stores the password on disk but does not push it into the in-memory copy of the MySQL Grants. As long as you don't run FLUSH PRIVILEGES; or restart mysqld, you have a chance to change it back. Newer versions of MySQL 5.5 may not be as forgiving.

SHORT ANSWER : For SCENARIO #1, Yes, for SCENARIO #2, more than likely.