Mysql – Which foreign keys do I use if they are repeated

foreign keyMySQLrdbmsschema

I have the following two tables


|ID|Company_ID|Affiliate_ID|<Relationship Info>|


|ID|Company_ID|<Job Info>|

and I need to keep a record of job offers (i.e. a company offers a job to its affiliate). Do I use:

|ID|Job_ID|CompanyRelationship_ID|<Offer Info>|


|ID|Job_ID|Affiliate_ID|<Offer Info>|

or something else?

I want to use the first one, because relationship info applies to the job offer, but then Company_ID is specified by both Job_ID and CompanyRelationship_ID. Is there an issue with this / better schema to use?

Best Answer

If you go for the Option 1, how do you Identify the Affiliate? and that's why I think Option 2 is better, unless I am missing something