MySQL using all RAM


I am trying to restore SQL dump file of around 750 MB on Ubuntu 16.04 VM with 1GB RAM and MySQL 5.7.21.

I have configured innodb_buffer_pool_size = 768MB, innodb_buffer_pool_chunk_size = 128M and innodb_buffer_pool_instances = 1.

To stop killing from OOM-killer OOMScoreAdjust=-1000 is added to mysql.sqevice file.

When restoring is started mysqld utilized all memory.

root@IA6-OA-DB-01:~# free -m
              total        used        free      shared  buff/cache   available
Mem:            987         925          11           0          50          19
Swap:           632         621          11

It starts to kill all processes.

root@IA6-OA-DB-01:~# mysql -uroot -proot -D OA2017 < OA2017.sql
mysql: [Warning] Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.


Apr 14 13:13:35 IA6-OA-DB-01 kernel: [84990.058935] Out of memory: Kill process 24895 (mysql) score 17 or sacrifice child
Apr 14 13:13:35 IA6-OA-DB-01 kernel: [84990.477043] Out of memory: Kill process 2226 (sssd_be) score 3 or sacrifice child
Apr 14 13:13:35 IA6-OA-DB-01 kernel: [84990.747574] Out of memory: Kill process 2283 (sssd_be) score 3 or sacrifice child
Apr 14 13:13:36 IA6-OA-DB-01 kernel: [84990.903214] Out of memory: Kill process 1587 (smbd) score 3 or sacrifice child
Apr 14 13:13:36 IA6-OA-DB-01 kernel: [84990.971431] Out of memory: Kill process 1587 (smbd) score 3 or sacrifice child
Apr 14 13:13:36 IA6-OA-DB-01 kernel: [84991.208088] Out of memory: Kill process 858 (sssd) score 3 or sacrifice child
Apr 14 13:13:36 IA6-OA-DB-01 kernel: [84991.329594] Out of memory: Kill process 858 (sssd) score 3 or sacrifice child
Apr 14 13:13:38 IA6-OA-DB-01 kernel: [84993.369239] Out of memory: Kill process 858 (sssd) score 3 or sacrifice child
Apr 14 13:13:39 IA6-OA-DB-01 kernel: [84994.124215] Out of memory: Kill process 858 (sssd) score 2 or sacrifice child
Apr 14 13:13:41 IA6-OA-DB-01 kernel: [84995.928253] Out of memory: Kill process 858 (sssd) score 2 or sacrifice child
Apr 14 13:13:44 IA6-OA-DB-01 kernel: [84999.295787] Out of memory: Kill process 1587 (smbd) score 2 or sacrifice child
Apr 14 13:13:48 IA6-OA-DB-01 kernel: [85003.091554] Out of memory: Kill process 858 (sssd) score 3 or sacrifice child
Apr 14 13:13:49 IA6-OA-DB-01 kernel: [85003.498436] Out of memory: Kill process 858 (sssd) score 2 or sacrifice child
Apr 14 13:13:50 IA6-OA-DB-01 kernel: [85005.624213] Out of memory: Kill process 858 (sssd) score 2 or sacrifice child
Apr 14 13:13:55 IA6-OA-DB-01 kernel: [85007.717901] Out of memory: Kill process 858 (sssd) score 3 or sacrifice child
Apr 14 13:14:02 IA6-OA-DB-01 kernel: [85014.623037] Out of memory: Kill process 858 (sssd) score 2 or sacrifice child
Apr 14 13:14:02 IA6-OA-DB-01 kernel: [85016.130481] Out of memory: Kill process 858 (sssd) score 2 or sacrifice child
Apr 14 13:14:02 IA6-OA-DB-01 kernel: [85017.218094] Out of memory: Kill process 858 (sssd) score 2 or sacrifice child
Apr 14 13:14:09 IA6-OA-DB-01 kernel: [85024.577427] Out of memory: Kill process 858 (sssd) score 3 or sacrifice child
Apr 14 13:14:09 IA6-OA-DB-01 kernel: [85024.857977] Out of memory: Kill process 321 (systemd-journal) score 2 or sacrifice child
Apr 14 13:14:11 IA6-OA-DB-01 kernel: [85025.128881] Out of memory: Kill process 14831 (bash) score 2 or sacrifice child
Apr 14 13:14:11 IA6-OA-DB-01 kernel: [85025.173233] Out of memory: Kill process 14831 (bash) score 2 or sacrifice child
Apr 14 13:14:34 IA6-OA-DB-01 kernel: [85048.414654] Out of memory: Kill process 15546 (bash) score 2 or sacrifice child
Apr 14 13:14:34 IA6-OA-DB-01 kernel: [85048.545329] Out of memory: Kill process 1057 (nginx) score 1 or sacrifice child
Apr 14 13:14:34 IA6-OA-DB-01 kernel: [85049.430812] Out of memory: Kill process 15513 (sshd) score 1 or sacrifice child
Apr 14 13:14:46 IA6-OA-DB-01 kernel: [85060.595291] Out of memory: Kill process 1629 (sshd) score 1 or sacrifice child
Apr 14 13:14:46 IA6-OA-DB-01 kernel: [85060.884189] Out of memory: Kill process 1629 (sshd) score 1 or sacrifice child
Apr 14 13:14:46 IA6-OA-DB-01 kernel: [85061.268085] Out of memory: Kill process 1061 (nginx) score 1 or sacrifice child
Apr 14 13:14:46 IA6-OA-DB-01 kernel: [85061.470392] Out of memory: Kill process 1280 ((sd-pam)) score 1 or sacrifice child

After this VM gets rebooted.
What could be the problem? and What variables do i need to change to make it run?

Best Answer

MySQL using all RAM

As per MySQL documentation here Buffer pool size must always be equal to or a multiple of innodb_buffer_pool_chunk_size * innodb_buffer_pool_instances. If you configure innodb_buffer_pool_size to a value that is not equal to or a multiple of innodb_buffer_pool_chunk_size * innodb_buffer_pool_instances, buffer pool size is automatically adjusted to a value that is equal to or a multiple of innodb_buffer_pool_chunk_size * innodb_buffer_pool_instances.


InnoDB, unlike MyISAM, uses a buffer pool to cache both indexes and row data. The bigger you set this the less disk I/O is needed to access data in tables. On a dedicated database server you may set this parameter up to 80% of the machine physical memory size. Do not set it too large, though, because competition of the physical memory may cause paging in the operating system. Note that on 32bit systems you might be limited to 2-3.5G of user level memory per process, so do not set it too high.


The number of regions that the InnoDB buffer pool is divided into. For systems with buffer pools in the multi-gigabyte range, dividing the buffer pool into separate instances can improve concurrency, by reducing contention as different threads read and write to cached pages.

For example, innodb_buffer_pool_size is set to 8G, and innodb_buffer_pool_instances is set to 16. innodb_buffer_pool_chunk_size is 128M, which is the default value.

8G is a valid innodb_buffer_pool_size value because 8G is a multiple of innodb_buffer_pool_instances=16 * innodb_buffer_pool_chunk_size=128M, which is 2G.

shell> mysqld --innodb-buffer-pool-size=8G --innodb-buffer-pool-instances=16

mysql> SELECT @@innodb_buffer_pool_size/1024/1024/1024;
| @@innodb_buffer_pool_size/1024/1024/1024 |
|                           8.000000000000 |


innodb_buffer_pool_chunk_size defines the chunk size for InnoDB buffer pool resizing operations. The innodb_buffer_pool_size parameter is dynamic, which allows you to resize the buffer pool without restarting the server.

To avoid copying all buffer pool pages during resizing operations, the operation is performed in chunks. By default, innodb_buffer_pool_chunk_size is 128MB (134217728 bytes). The number of pages contained in a chunk depends on the value of innodb_page_size. innodb_buffer_pool_chunk_size can be increased or decreased in units of 1MB (1048576 bytes).

Important: Care should be taken when changing innodb_buffer_pool_chunk_size, as changing this value can automatically increase the size of the buffer pool. Before changing innodb_buffer_pool_chunk_size, calculate the effect it will have on innodb_buffer_pool_size to ensure that the resulting buffer pool size is acceptable.

For further your ref here