MySQL UPDATE to replace text in LONGTEXT field


I have a WordPress table wp_posts and I'd like to run an UPDATE that will replace a url from my old domain to my new domain.

For example, let's say that one record in the field post_content has the following content:

This is my <a href="">old web</a> site.
<img src=" />

I'd like that to become:

This is my <a href="">old web</a> site.
<img src=" />

I've tried the following query

UPDATE wp_posts AS w` 
SET w.post_content = REPLACE(w.post_content, '', '');

but I don't get any result.

Any idea how to fix it?

Best Answer

There is an error in your query near

AS w`

Alias name "w" should instead be


Try this:

UPDATE wp_posts AS `w` 
SET w.post_content = REPLACE(w.post_content, '', '');