Mysql – unknown variable ‘table_cache=64’


I use Mamp Pro 3. I upgraded Mamp's MySql to 5.6.24 using this script

After that I ran the Mamp Pro and MySql cannot be started. So I looked the mysql_error.log and found the following error:

2015-06-15 01:24:55 13139 [ERROR] /Applications/MAMP/Library/bin/mysqld: unknown variable 'table_cache=64'
2015-06-15 01:24:55 13139 [ERROR] Aborting

After I google about this error, I get to know that I have to delete 'table_cache=64' variable from my.cnf (MySql Configuration) file. So I deleted this variable from /Applications/MAMP/tmp/mysql/my.cnf file.

But the problem is that the same error still occurs when I start the MySql again. So I looked at the my.cnf file, 'table_cache=64' re-appears automatically again. I deleted it again but it automatically appeared again when I start the MySql.

How should I solve this 'table_cache=64' problem?

Best Answer

Version 5.1.3 "Renamed the table_cache system variable to table_open_cache. Any scripts that refer to table_cache should be updated to use the new name." However, it did not become an error until years later, in 5.7.6. Change to table_open_cache.

However, what does the line in my.cnf look like? Sounds like there is something else wrong. Change it to

table_open_cache = 200

(If you have a tiny machine, 64 might be better. But in today's machines, a few hundred is a better value.)