MySQL Triggers Different Database Different Server


I have two databases, each on a separate server. Each database has a number of similar but not identical tables. I need to combine the records from these similar tables into a new database, which is on one of the two servers.

SERVER A – Database 1

SERVER B – Database 2, Database 3 (new)

My thinking (as a relative novice re MySQL) is to first Insert existing records into the tables of the combined database, then use Insert|Update|Delete Triggers to maintain those records in the new db.

This would allow me to start with one roughly matching table from each of the two original databases, and gradually go through all the rest of the tables.

Is it possible to create Triggers on Database 1, which updates a table in Database 3 (new), which resides on a different server?

Any suggestions would be most welcome on how to accomplish this.

Best Answer

There's the FEDERATED storage engine, which makes for a way to create a "proxy" table in your database server, which points to a real table on another server.

FEDERATED is disabled by default. To enable it, add this to your my.cnf configuration file, under the [mysqld] section:

federated = 1

So your trigger on some table T would then INSERT into your FEDERATED table FT, which would connect to the remote server, pass credentials, and perform the operation.

Do note the overhead: triggers are by themselves performance killers. Add to that the connection to the remote machine, and you now also have latency to worry about.